Siberian Blue Cattery
Siberian Blue Cattery
breeding hypoallergenic top quality kittens
Welcome to our cattery, where we would love to match you with your perfect companion!
Our goal is to breed exceptional quality, hypoallergenic Siberians that adhere to the breed standard, as well as beauty, health and temperament.
Our foundation cats have championship bloodlines, imported directly from Russia, Belarus, and Ukraine. Thea are all also a show cats. Our king is Best of Breed 2022-2023 CFA Northwest.
Kittens are raised in our home, as members of our family, and socialized with children. In providing you with the best kitten, that represents the highest standards of the breed, we also extend lifelong support and a warm welcome to new members of the wonderful community of Siberian cat-lovers around the globe.
About Siberian cat Nivean Masquerade
The Siberian cat is a medium to medium large, strong cat that hails from a very unforgiving climate — Siberia. They first appeared in recorded history around the year 1,000. According to folklore these magnificent animals made their homes in Russian monasteries, where they would walk along the high beams as look outs for intruders. The overall appearance should be one of strength, and force with an excellent physical condition and alertness, with a sweet facial expression.
Siberian cats are extremely slow to mature, taking as long as five years, which is the reason they remain «kitten-like» for so long. The general impression is one of roundness and circles, rather than rectangles and triangles. The Siberian breed of cats has a very dog like temperament and they are very affectionate. They are very intelligent, gentle and very quick learners.

The Neva Masquerade is a breed or sub-breed of the Siberian cat, a centuries-old Russian landrace. All Neva Masquerade cats are selectively bred and pedigreed today in all major cat fancier and breeder organizations under the Siberian cat or Neva Masquerade. This means that all Neva Masquerade cats are purebred cats with a formally registered ancestry.
The colorpoint Neva Masquerade has distinctive blue eyes and dark point markings. It is a medium to large sized, muscular long-hair breed with a bushy tail.[6] Apart from the obvious similarities with the Siberian cat, the cat has similarities with the Norwegian forest cat, and with other colorpoint long-haired cats, such as the Ragdoll, Birman, and Himalayan.
The Siberian makes the most ideal lap cat and will live quite happily indoors with you. They will be your best friends!